I left Isle of Shoals at 7am dispite a forecast of light winds. The sea was as smooth as glass. As much as I prefer sailing to motoring, a windless day does have one advantage - it lets me spot any ripple caused by sea mamals.
For the first time in my life, I spotted a seal in the wild. Then another and another. As I passed the last rocky islet of Isles of Shoals I was treated to a beach full of sleeping seals. They were much bigger then I expeceted.
Just when the thrill of seeing seals was wearing off, I spotted my first whale of the day. As I progressed north, I saw several others. At one point, I whale surfaced about 25 feet off my starboard bow. It was the closest whale encounter I've ever had. Based on my google research I think there were Minske Whales.
After a morning of motoring, the wind filled in and I was able to sail the rest of the way to Casco Bay. I'm moored a few miles East of Portland and am thrilled to finally be in mid-coast Maine.