Thursday, July 18, 2019

Ocean Sunfish

Rockland, ME

It's been a long time since I posted. Viviane was with me for a week and plans changed. We spent a lot of time looking at properties rather than pushing east.

I cruised through Casco Bay, Harpswell and Phippsburg before doing a longish 12 hour hop to Rockland Maine. There was no wind at all for the first two thirds of this day. That's always frustrating to a sailor but it's also quite beautiful to be out on the ocean with nary a ripple on the water. It really facilitates spotting and observing wildlife.

I stumbled upon the most interesting sea creature I've ever seen. I noticed a strange protrusion breaking the surface and adjusted course to pass closer. I thought it might be a whale or porpoise tangled in fishing gear. It turned out to be the oddest looking fish I have ever seen. Quite large, probably over 200 pounds, and just lazily sunning itself on the surface. I was able to get some great video thanks to the calm seas.

I repeatedly checked my cell phone for internet connectivity as I continued on my way because I was dying to figure out what it was. Just outside Tenant's Harbor I was able to Google again and discovered it was an ocean sunfish.

It's exactly these kinds of discoveries that make the whole trip so interesting and enjoyable.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019


Harpswell, ME

Tanqueray anchored in Rockport Harbor

After Gloucester I stopped at Rockport, MA and Isle of Shoals before doing the long hop up to Portland Maine. I've had too much wet weather during this trip but recently the weather has really improved though I could use a little more wind.

Viviane joined me Saturday morning and we rented a car for a couple of days. We used it to drive around Harpswell while trying to imagine what it might be like to live in mid-coast Maine. We're constantly amazed at the lack of congestion on the roads.