Sunday, June 9, 2019

Cruise: Summer 2019

Block Island, RI

Tanqueray anchored in Great Salt Pond, BI, RI

My summer cruise has started a bit later than expected.

Viviane dropped me off Wed morning on the way to work. I waited all morning for the wind to kick up enough to make the short hop to Atlantic Highlands for the night where I waited for a small low to pass over the area.

I was up at 4am and weighed anchor by 5am. This was to be my first overnight, offshore, singlehanded sail. The only concern I has was mal-de-mer.

Even so early in the morning NY harbor is a busy place and requires constant vigilance but after the first 30 miles of this 130 mile passage other boats all but disappear.

Somewhere just south of Jones Beach the wind faded so I started the engine. The swell from the south was hitting Tanqueray beam on and causing her to rock excessively. There was no danger but I should have taken some sea sickness meds.

It took 31 hours to get to Great Salt Pond, Block Island. Using the new, larger chartplotter and radar (thanks Trip) made staying awake and keeping watch so much easier as I was able to be down below and and rely on AIS and radar to spot other boats. There are not many boats 3 miles off the south shore of Long Island and 3am but every once in a while a fishing boat passes near enough to require a course adjustment to avoid them.

I was exhausted upon arrival after having not slept more than 15 minutes at a time and not eating for over 31 hours so I made lunch and took a well deserved nap.

I'll spend a few days at Block Island recovering and waiting for west winds to make the next (easy) hop to Cutty Hunk.

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