Sunday, June 23, 2019

First Shark

Gloucester, MA

I had a wonderful sail from Onset to Provincetown. The kind where you trim the sails and don't touch a thing for hours.

Provincetown was nice, but very touristy. Moorings rentals are twice the price of any other place I've sailed to but I was able to anchor reasonably close to shore as it's still early in the season and there weren't many boats around.

Almost every day this last week was overcast and wet. The solar panels are struggling to keep the batteries charged and I haven't been able to get ashore to exercise.

I departed Province town on Wednesday morning in thick fog. Once again the new radar made that tricky task a lost easier.

As I left the coast of Cape Cod to starboard the fog lifted and I saw the first whales of my trip. They were the same kind I've seen before in the Gulf of Maine - Finback whales.

A little farther north I was excited to see a shark for the first time. I noticed the large fin working its way along the shore in a straight line. It moved very differently from whales which crest, blow, inhale and then dive. The shark just moved in a straight line at the surface. The dorsal fin was huge. I wonder if it was a Great White.

There wasn't much wind so I had to motor most of the way to Marblehead but the smooth seas made it easy to spot the shark, whales and the first seal of the summer.

I took a town mooring at Marblehead because it includes laundry and showers. There is a nice supermarket only two blocks from the dingy dock so I stocked up on fresh produce.

Friday morning I departed for nearby Gloucester. It's the other end of the spectrum from Marblehead. Marblehead is filled with expensive sailboats and yacht clubs while Gloucester is filled with commercial fishing boats and seafood processing plants.

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